︎HALSEY ︎2020 ︎Manic World Tour
Moment Factory
A show designed to be un unpredictable dive into the artist mind. A manic state that brings the audience through severe mood swings — between feeling euphoric highs - on top of the world - to feeling great lows - hopelessness, and depression. Throughout the show the stage design wants to reflect this manic state bringing the artist up to the ceiling for a moment and then pressuring her down to the floor. The visual approach follows the same pattern: a thorough color journey that spans from dark and gloomy atmospheres, throught a moment of white purification to a colourful, uplifting finale.
WiZink Center, Madrid, Spain
Creative & Show Direction Tarik MikouScenic & Video Design Moment Factory
Technical Direction James Richardson
Show Design Tarik Mikou + Mariano Leotta
Lighting Design Paul Arlo Guthrie
Lighting Programming Jose Antunes
Musical Direction Vinnie Ferra (The Beehive)
Visual direction Aude Guivarch + Mariano Leotta
Video Programming Danny Firpo (All of it now) + Cade Moore
Automation Kirsten Eddy (Tait Towers)
Pyro, lasers & FX Joey Atkinson (Strictly FX)
Choreography Dani Vitale
Production Management Jimi Storey
Project Management James Richardson + Magalie Desrochers